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Over Power Protection (OPP) N/T 
Model :                            Reference                                                    
1.      Equipment :                                                                                
               (1)    AC Source : Chroma 6530                                                                          
              (2)    DC Load : Chroma 63102/63103                                                                        
                (3)    Oscilloscope : Tektronix TDS 5054B                                                                              
  (4)    Current Probe : Tektronix TCPA300/TCP303                                                                                
2.      Test Condition :                                                                              
  (1)    AC Input Voltage : Min. and Max. of Input Voltage                                                                      
  (2)    Input Frequency : 60Hz /50Hz                                                                          
  (3)    Load Condition : LD13                                                                          
  (4)    Temperature :Room Ambient Temperature                                                                         
  (5)   Wavefrom Requirement  : 12V/3.3V/PG/I12V                                                                        
3.      Spec :                                                                                
  The power supply would be protected itself with no damage, if the wattage of the power supply is higher than 130% of rated output power over the specified time in section 3.2.2.
4.       Test Result : PASS                                                    
  Loading +12V +5V +5Vsb +3.3V -12V Pout AC Input Pd(W) Eff. Shutdown                                        
  V I V I V I V I V I Vin Iin Iin PF Pin  
Vin=90Vac/60Hz   12.16V 91.77A 5V 9A 5V 2A 3.3V 9A 12V 0.3A 1204.223W           -1204.22W #DIV/0! Yes
Vin=264Vac/50Hz   12.18V 90.21A 5V 9.056A 5V 2A 3.3V 9.012A 12V 0.3A 1187.377W           -1187.38W #DIV/0! Yes
110% minimum; 150% maximum
90V LOAD2  264V LOAD2